After three years of preparation, the Keelung Museum of Art premirere Exhibition, will grandly open from April 12 to June 30, 2024. Curated by Hongjohn Lin, the exhibition titled “Immemory,” brings together 22 groups of artists from Taiwan and abroad. Against the backdrop of Keelung City, the exhibition reflects the complex relationship between history, memory, and the future through field investigations and research.
# About the Exhibition
“Immemory,” “bē-kì-tit” in Taiwanese, is a memory project focusing on the “historical turn” in contemporary art over the past decade in specifically the local context of Keelung. The exhibition considers historical objects and facts as the “thing-in-itself,” aiming to explore Foucault’s concept of “historical a priori” through self-reflexive historiography. The project presents five leitmotifs: “archive fever,” “cold cold war,” “things as the historical a priori,” “politics of exosomatic memory,” and “settler colonialism vs colonialism.” These leitmotifs bear witness to the historical traces of people, events, and objects, allowing us to traverse the stream of consciousness across the present, past, and possible future.
Don’t miss out! More information will be released gradually.